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Understanding customer challenges and Bellrock’s response

At a property estate level, organisations are in four stages of crisis response:

1. Incredibly busy but essentially operating as normal save for social distancing i.e. large food retailers and online retail and distribution.

  • All sites are running, and the focus is upon maintaining the activity levels at or near peak capacity
  • Challenges focus upon safe social distancing and security have now mostly been solved
  • The next focus for these businesses will be on building in essential but delayed PPM and reactive maintenance works

 2. Incredibly busy and adapting the building to meet Covid-19 response requirements i.e. NHS, care homes, private hospitals and those directly supporting the Covid-19 fight.

  • Many NHS facilities are being extended remodelled or being put to changed use
  • Challenges around design and build are now largely being overtaken by the migration to them being made operational
  • The next focus for these being the safe flow of people through the building, security, cleaning and reactive maintenance regimes

 3. Running a reduced service but still operational ie. Schools, public sector buildings such as councils and some private sector clients

  • Clients are running reduced reactive regimes, lower levels of cleaning and security and in most cases, there is little catering, if any
  • Clients are using the time to fast forward some PPM and are considering bringing forward capital repair and replacement cycles
  • The next focus for these sites will be moving from lockdown to full operation with correct social distancing

 4. In lock down and essentially mothballed i.e. Large elements of the private sector, non-food retail, leisure, hotels, transport and hospitality

  • Many clients face severe financial difficulty in this period and are doing the bare minimum to survive. PPM regimes are starting to slip, and a number are losing supply chain support through lack of work
  • The next focus for these organisations is starting to trade again, and the key challenge will be how to bring the sites back to an operational specification quickly

We recognise and understand the challenges that organisations are going through currently and will face post Covid-19. Our experts can support and guide you through your critical responses, balancing safety, organisational and financial priorities.

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