From lockdown to recovery
Organisations are turning their attention towards how and when to begin to open and what the ramp up will look like. Many will need some sort of preparation to enable a safe and reliable start up.
We recognise the enormous challenges being faced by our customers. The readiness and functionality of a property and its equipment to start up again will be a significant element as many sites were left very quickly at lockdown.
We have identified nine key elements for consideration, dependant on site and its current readiness. Each element has been crafted by an industry specialist, who are available to assist you at any stage of your re-occupation journey. Detail is centred around a lockdown to recovery calendar, plotting out issues and timings that should be considered at each stage of the run up to re-occupation. This helps to ensure that all property risk factors are correctly managed, giving building users confidence in the safety of the sites they will be returning to.