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Bellrock’s Operational Response

How do we see the crisis, what are we seeing across different sectors of the market, and what has been our response? Here you will find updates from our CEO David Smith, guides on how our operators are adapting and stories from the front line on how we are supporting some of our customers through the challenges we are collectively facing.

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CEO Update

A message from our CEO, David Smith

Since my last update the UK Government has now issued its Covid 19 recovery strategy, with guidance on how to keep staff and visitors safe in eight different working environments, and further guidance on safety in the education environments.

Here at Bellrock, we are helping lots of our customers interpret what this means and how to make your environments as Covid Secure as possible for returning to work, where there is no potential to work from home.

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Headshot image of David Smith.

Understanding customer operational challenges and Bellrock’s response

We are working with nearly 1000 customers who are in one of the four main stages of critical response, each having their own set of upcoming challenges to deal with.
Our experts are here to support and guide you through the best route to balance safety, organisational and financial priorities to make sure your estate can strengthen your response to the crisis.

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Our Operational delivery approach during Covid 19

Bellrock have over 1100 directly employed staff, 1000 customers and 1000 supplier chain partners, managing over 175,000 sites and well over £1bn in annual spend. Operationally we are based at over 40 locations around the UK and we have some 175 engineers and over 100 RICS qualified surveyors working location independent around the country.

When Covid-19 landed, it proved itself to be a logistical nightmare and let us to change our ways of working and keep our customer’s businesses running smoothly.

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Communicating to Our Customers

As a company, we are doing our best to maintain communications with our customers, supporting and guiding them through the current Covid-19 crisis. Our Customer and Site Team Information Pack provides information on Bellrock’s taskforce, risk mitigation strategies, preparedness and business continuity planning as well as frequently asked questions.

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Stories from Bellrocks hidden heroes

As a company, we are extremely proud of our on-the-ground employees who continue to work around the clock with our customers, partners and communities, supporting critical operations and key services through the UK during this unprecedented period.

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Case Studies